WhatsApp to bring changes to group invite process, status update and more

WhatsApp is one of the most loved messenger apps used around the world on both Android and iOS platforms. To improve is user-friendly experience it has started working on enhancing the interface. Now, the company is testing a new feature and expected to give the user more control over who can add them to an existing or a newly formed group, and no one can add you to a group without your permission.

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The admin will never be able to add a person to a group without permission if the user rejects the request. This new feature will make group admin to ask prior permission from a user before adding them to the group. This change makes adding someone who has already left a group a bit more complex, to discourage re-adds. The ‘Group Invitation’ feature will certainly change that. The user will have the option of restricting their privacy settings for Group invitation to the three options, Everyone, My contacts and Nobody.

If the user wishes to be added to the groups by anybody they can now select ‘Everyone’, no joining invitations will be received by the user from the group admins. By opting to ‘My Contacts’ the second option in which the user will allow to be added to the groups only by his/her contacts. In this option, the user will receive an invitation to join a group from people not in his/her contacts list. Finally, the user can select ‘Nobody’. Here nobody can directly add the user to any of the groups, in any circumstances. The user will be receiving a request every time someone wants to add him/her to a group.

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The invite will automatically expire within 72 hours to join the group. You can still join a group using a Group link created once the group is made. The link can be used to join a group irrespective of the privacy option.

In addition to that, WhatsApp plans to make modifications to status update notification procedure so that only the people, the user has a regular chat session with, will appear on top and not every person who changes their status update.